Wednesday 22 October 2008

Look out honey, cause I'm using technology....

Those of you who subscribe to this blog may remember us talking about new print technology back in July. The people who print the shirts for the Cambridge T-Shirts site are introducing something called Digital Direct which allows printing straight onto shirts.

This allows us to put more colour and detail onto the shirt while still giving you a hard wearing and long lasting design.

Unfortunately the technology is currently still being tested so we can't put it in the main shop yet, but we have just taken delivery of a sample shirt printed to test the colours and print quality and we got sooooo excited we thought we would share.

So here are some pictures of the first sample for your perusal, check out the lovely crispy colours on a fresh October day in Cambridge :)

If you can't wait to get you hands on some Cambridge based produce you can always check out the Cambridge T-Shirts site and see what products and designs we have available right now.

A fresh dose of reality...

We last featured a Reality Checkpoint T-Shirt from Cambridge T-Shirts on this blog back in May. Since then it has become one one of the best selling designs on the site.

Reality Checkpoint is the name given to a large lamp-post in the middle of Cambridge, England. The name comes from an unofficial inscription which has been painted on it since the early 1970s. It is also believed to be the oldest electrical lamp-post in Cambridge.

Marking the mid-point between town and gown the Reality Checkpoint stands proud in the middle of Parker's Piece. It's been a Cambridge landmark since the early 1970s. The name comes from an unofficial inscription which first painted on the lamp post (allegedly) by students from CCAT (now Anglia Ruskin University) under the guidance of one of their teachers.

It has been repeatedly re-painted since then in response to removal by the council or obliteration by graffiti. For the first half of 1998 the lamp-post carried an unofficial plaque bearing its name.

Whether it really marks the boundary between the 'reality bubble' and the 'real world' or just because it forms a useful landmark for drunk, befuddled or fog bound, whether it is a beacon for the bewildered because anyone walking whilst not tuned in to "reality" will likely collide with the lamp-post, it does not matter which side you are on, it is the only light for hundreds of yards and makes me smile every time I pass on my way home!

If you know which side of the Reality Checkpoint you are you can check out the full range of Reality Checkpoint T-Shirts on the Cambridge T-Shirts site here.