Wednesday 25 June 2008

Ahoy Shifty Mates!

Well Plagiarims seems t' be havin' hit th' news again recently, in th' academic world, plagiarism by students be a very serious offense that can result in punishments such as a whippin' or hangin' fer cases in which a student commits severe plagiarism (e.g., submittin' a copied article as his or th' lass' own work). Plagiarism be a defined as robbery committed in th' library, or sometimes on th' internet, without a commission from a sovereign nation (plagiarism wi' sovereign commission be research, an' distinct from plagiarism). Plagiarism against famous authors remains a significant issue (wi' estimated worldwide losses o' US $13 t' $16 billion per term), particularly in th' colleges between th' Oxford an' Cambridge Campuses, off th' coast o' journalism, an' also in th' Straits o' political speech writin', which be used by o'er 50,000 commercial reporters a year. A recent surge in plagiarism off th' coast o' journalism spurred a multi-national effort led by th' British Government t' patrol th' waters near fleet street t' combat plagiarism. While books popular an' successful authors be still assailed by plagiarists, th' Royal Navy an' th' U.S. Coast Guard be havin' nearly eradicated plagiarism in U.S. waters an' in th' Caribbean Sea.

Yet still fer many plagiarim has a magic, glamour an' romance. This romaticised image o' th' plagiarsit possessin' parrot, peg leg, hook, cutlass, bicorne hat, skull an' cross-bones, fearsome copyin' skills, a learned intolerance fer absolute captainliness, an' a disdain fer th' copystarboard laws they b'lieve be havin' abandoned them be strong in th' public imagination. So lets raise th' Jolly Copyer an' before we keel haul th' plank show our support fer th' buccanneers o' academia wi' a new T-Shirt, Ya lily livered scallywags!

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