Tuesday 21 July 2009

Recognition for Local Historian!

Here at Cambridge T-Shirts Allan Brigham is a bit of a hero to us, so it's nice to see him being recognised by Cambridge University this week with the award of an honoury Master of Arts degree!

Honoury degrees usually upset me, what with a real degree these days costing students three years of their life and up to £20,000 by the time tuition fees and living costs are taken into account, it seems particularly offensive to devalue this by awarding some reality TV star a degree just for having a perma tan and half a personality. You get so used to reading about universities awarding honoury qualifications to people who don't particularly seem to deserve any kind of honour that to see someone being honoured who actually knows what he is talking about, contributes to the local community and seems to be a genuinely nice bloke deserves celebrating!

You can read more at the Cambridge Evening news site here and the BBC actually has some footage of an interview with Allen here.

If you have never been on one of Allan's tours then we would thoroughly recommend it. You can find out more here.

If you are too lazy to actually get out of the house then you can also order the book Bringing it all back home half of which was written by Allan and provides some fascinating insights into how the Romsey area of the city developed.

Go on help celebrate a local hero!

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