Thursday 27 November 2008

Top Selling Cambridge T-Shirts

At Christmas all right thinking peoples thoughts turn to the Top of the Pops, the hits of the year, the very toppermost of the poppermost if you will. An event as much a fundamental part of the quintessential Yuletide experience as receiving unwanted presents, over eating, watching the great escape and falling asleep in front of the queen's speech after perhaps just one too many sherries before dinner.

Unfortunately we don't have the budget to bring you a televised Christmas countdown of the years biggest hits presented by our dream team of Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand, with their special guest Pete Doherty, his hat at a jaunty angle as he incoherently burbles his way through Mull of Kintyre and dribbles down his own chin.

So in it's place we are proud to present the Cambridge T-Shirts Christmas top five count down, a seasonal chart of the most popular shirts we sell:

Number 5.

In with a bullet at number 5 a cheeky homage to the the 70's with the look that is all the rage on the throbbing metropolitan streets of Cambridge's fashion quarter. Sought after from Great Eastern Street to Brookfields, Romsey Girl, the only label to be seen wearing as you try to dodge the scary drunk bloke hanging around the bus stop at the far end of Mill Road. If you've got it, flaunt it! If it's clean wear it!

Number 4.

Exotic, enigmatic, intoxicating, but surprisingly easy to spell, Cherry Hinton is a not just for Christmas, it is a perennial favourite. A visit there is as magical as winning the lottery or finding something that still looks vaguely edible in the vegetable draw at the bottom of an otherwise barren student refrigerator. You know when you have hit the jackpot, so do not be afraid to share it with the world.

Number 3.

Impossible to avoid as you travel around Cambridge, the king sized "My Day in the City" adverts that encrust our local transport are nuggets of arsepirational 'lifestyle' ordure that are celebrated throughout Cambridge for their nauseating, shallow, tacky and intelligence insulting content. Our Day in The City T-Shirts on the other hand are actually quite popular as they let you choose the words and get your own back with something that is actually relevant to your life!

Number 2.

Cambridge is cycle city, the flatness of the fens, the gridlocked traffic, the students on a budget and the environmentally aware all combine to give a higher than normal percentage of pedal powered people. I assume it's them who are buying this shirt... otherwise it means there's a fairly weird set of cycle wannabes out there... still I guess it would not be the strangest thing on the internet.

Number 1.

Still at number one the Reality checkpoint shirt is an all time favourite on the site. So popular in fact we made a couple of different versions like this one and this one, which are deeply, deeply unpopular. This makes them feel sad and lonely, like a puppy abandoned on boxing day, how could you, it's heartless! Don't let the poor lonely T-Shirts go without care and affection for another Christmas get yourself over to the Cambridge T-Shirts web site and give them a loving and caring home.

Sunday 16 November 2008

The only way is up Castle Hill....

Cambridge, for those of you unfamiliar with local geography, is flat, like pancake flat, flatest, flatmost, flatfull in fact. This is great for cycling and I'm sure part of what makes Cambridge such a cycle city. Once in a while though you can have enough flat and start to crave lumpiness, bumpiness and all things upwards pointing. Pretty much your only choice for what passes for a vertiginous ascent in these parts is the Castle Hill. It's called Castle hill because it used to have a Castle on it, though these days you would be hard pressed to really notice any crenellated evidence to prove it.

In Anglo Saxon times there was apparently a settlement on Castle Hill. As the high ground around these parts you could see anyone coming from miles away and then do whatever Castley things were on your mind, shout insults, throw stuff, you know.

When the Normans turned up around 1068 they built their own castle there, apparently if you go North in a straight line there is no higher ground until you reach the North pole! Though how anyone knows this stuff you do have to wonder, every time I watch that Tony Robinson and his time team I'm torn between thinking it's pretty cool and the fact they could tell me anything and thanks to my pitiful lack of knowledge I wouldn't be able to disagree. You could tell me the King of Sandwich build a magnificent bready castle from loaves, cheese and ham to protect the magical celery forest and, while I may think you are talking toilet, I would actually be fairly hard pressed to disagree on any kind of factual basis.

When I get right down to it there are only three facts I can quote with relative certainty:

1) There is a hill.
2) There is no Castle.
3) It is called Castle Hill.

Still several historically accurate and vital facts short of a prize winning round on Mastermind I tend to think. Though possibly enough riveting facts to get me a guest spot on breakfast television.

Which is quite shameful, a all time low to match Cambridge's all time high. In celebration of reaching not only the very literal peak of Cambridge but also this metaphorical peak of ignorance join us at Cambridge T-Shirts with this special T-Shirt to celebrate our conquest of these great heights.

Go on reach for the stars!

I love the smell of Milton in the morning....

Smell that? You smell that?
Milton, son. Nothing in the world smells like that.
I love the smell of Milton in the morning.

I was cycling to the stinkiest place in town and I didn't even know it yet. Minutes away and fractions of miles up a river that snaked through the city like a main circuit cable - plugged straight into Milton.....

As I sedately pedalled my way up to the North side of the city this week through the wafting malodorous mist that marks the boundaries of that part of town on a bad day the horror stuck me... Milton sits on the North side of Cambridge, slap bang in the center of an olfactory perfect storm.

To one side the Cambridge sewage works to the other the land fill site, on a bad day the stench can be truly nose wateringly staggering. Now it's not like the people who live there are not trying to do something about it, but dear god, the horror... the horror... I wish I had words, man. I wish I had words.

Sunday 9 November 2008

The Early Bird catches the Christmas savings..

December is rolling nearer and our thoughts turn to traditionally the least financially prudent of all holidays, the birthday of the little baby Jesus and the requisite presents it's traditional to buy for your nearest, dearest and relatedest.

So as the financial weather worsens, the credit is crunching under foot and with only 6 Weeks until Christmas anyone who orders from the Cambridge T-Shirts website from the 1st to the 20th of November can save 15% on all purchases. All you have to do is to enter the discount voucher code:


while in the shopping basket. The usual terms and conditions apply this offer cannot be combined with other discounts, it doesn't guarantee that too many mince pies won't make you sick and it doesn't mean that just because you buy people one of our cool t-shirts you are not going to get a custom knitted nose warmer in return from your mad Auntie Maude. It may not be guaranteed to improve your chances under the mistletoe, but take a chance, buy them something different this year, remember not only can you can pick one our designs you can also design your own and make sure your present is one of a kind!

Just think the more you spend the more you will be saving.... and if you save enough you might even be able to buy yourself something you actually want this year... and a merry bah humbug to you all!

Sunday 2 November 2008

The Cambridge Dark Arts......

Imagine my suprise on reading a survey by Varsity which reveals that 49% per cent of Cambridge students in their own words have committed "some form of plagiaristic act" whilst at the University and they are not just talking about the derth of new material in recent years footlights reviews! Boom, Boom! I thank you!

"Sometimes when I am really fed up, I Google the essay title, copy everything onto a blank word document and jiggle the order a bit" a Cambridge student explains in the article that I have copied directly and jiggled about a bit.

It would appear the University is full of cheaters! The most shocking discovery for me was that the department with the highest percentage of cheaters was Law with 62% of them admitting to breaking the university rules! 62%! Sixty-two! SIXTY TWO PERCENT! That means there are actually 38% of lawyers who are honest! Or alternatively not confident enough of their own ability to believe they could get away with it......

Still, every cloud has a silver lining and while this sounds like particularly bad news for Cambridge University, it sounds like great news for Cambridge T-Shirts! If the statistics are right this means there is a much larger market for our cheery pirate of academia T-Shirts than we previously thought.... that is assuming they don't just copy them....