Sunday 2 November 2008

The Cambridge Dark Arts......

Imagine my suprise on reading a survey by Varsity which reveals that 49% per cent of Cambridge students in their own words have committed "some form of plagiaristic act" whilst at the University and they are not just talking about the derth of new material in recent years footlights reviews! Boom, Boom! I thank you!

"Sometimes when I am really fed up, I Google the essay title, copy everything onto a blank word document and jiggle the order a bit" a Cambridge student explains in the article that I have copied directly and jiggled about a bit.

It would appear the University is full of cheaters! The most shocking discovery for me was that the department with the highest percentage of cheaters was Law with 62% of them admitting to breaking the university rules! 62%! Sixty-two! SIXTY TWO PERCENT! That means there are actually 38% of lawyers who are honest! Or alternatively not confident enough of their own ability to believe they could get away with it......

Still, every cloud has a silver lining and while this sounds like particularly bad news for Cambridge University, it sounds like great news for Cambridge T-Shirts! If the statistics are right this means there is a much larger market for our cheery pirate of academia T-Shirts than we previously thought.... that is assuming they don't just copy them....

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