Thursday 27 November 2008

Top Selling Cambridge T-Shirts

At Christmas all right thinking peoples thoughts turn to the Top of the Pops, the hits of the year, the very toppermost of the poppermost if you will. An event as much a fundamental part of the quintessential Yuletide experience as receiving unwanted presents, over eating, watching the great escape and falling asleep in front of the queen's speech after perhaps just one too many sherries before dinner.

Unfortunately we don't have the budget to bring you a televised Christmas countdown of the years biggest hits presented by our dream team of Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand, with their special guest Pete Doherty, his hat at a jaunty angle as he incoherently burbles his way through Mull of Kintyre and dribbles down his own chin.

So in it's place we are proud to present the Cambridge T-Shirts Christmas top five count down, a seasonal chart of the most popular shirts we sell:

Number 5.

In with a bullet at number 5 a cheeky homage to the the 70's with the look that is all the rage on the throbbing metropolitan streets of Cambridge's fashion quarter. Sought after from Great Eastern Street to Brookfields, Romsey Girl, the only label to be seen wearing as you try to dodge the scary drunk bloke hanging around the bus stop at the far end of Mill Road. If you've got it, flaunt it! If it's clean wear it!

Number 4.

Exotic, enigmatic, intoxicating, but surprisingly easy to spell, Cherry Hinton is a not just for Christmas, it is a perennial favourite. A visit there is as magical as winning the lottery or finding something that still looks vaguely edible in the vegetable draw at the bottom of an otherwise barren student refrigerator. You know when you have hit the jackpot, so do not be afraid to share it with the world.

Number 3.

Impossible to avoid as you travel around Cambridge, the king sized "My Day in the City" adverts that encrust our local transport are nuggets of arsepirational 'lifestyle' ordure that are celebrated throughout Cambridge for their nauseating, shallow, tacky and intelligence insulting content. Our Day in The City T-Shirts on the other hand are actually quite popular as they let you choose the words and get your own back with something that is actually relevant to your life!

Number 2.

Cambridge is cycle city, the flatness of the fens, the gridlocked traffic, the students on a budget and the environmentally aware all combine to give a higher than normal percentage of pedal powered people. I assume it's them who are buying this shirt... otherwise it means there's a fairly weird set of cycle wannabes out there... still I guess it would not be the strangest thing on the internet.

Number 1.

Still at number one the Reality checkpoint shirt is an all time favourite on the site. So popular in fact we made a couple of different versions like this one and this one, which are deeply, deeply unpopular. This makes them feel sad and lonely, like a puppy abandoned on boxing day, how could you, it's heartless! Don't let the poor lonely T-Shirts go without care and affection for another Christmas get yourself over to the Cambridge T-Shirts web site and give them a loving and caring home.

1 comment:

Mr Potarto said...


Inspirational, Mr Spoons.